Perfection in the imperfection, Strength found in your weakness


Wabi-Sabi overall is finding perfection in the imperfections… finding strength in our weaknesses.

Wabi deals with the beauty in uniqueness, individuality, singularity.

Sabi shows respect to the aged, weathered, antique, defects, and mistakes.

A little history:

Sen Rikyu was considered the “godfather of the tea ceremony”

– Tea Ceremony was designed to bring peace in oneself, and peace to Lords and politicians, higher ups…

– It became a way to show off, be flashy, and display how much better you were than every one else.

– Rikyu stripped it down to bare essentials, and wabi sabi focused on the simplicity of materials used.

– The humbled tea ceremony took the focus off of the vain materialistic aspects, and returned the focus back to the participants sharing in the moment.

Purpose As A Seed


We are all a Masterpiece, we carry a piece of the Master within us. This “piece” is purpose, which He plants deep within us to have His will fulfilled in the earth.

Adapted From Trust & Inspire:

We all have purpose inside each of us, although sometimes it is just dormant, the seed is always there it just needs the right conditions to flourish.

Our desires to accomplish something causes us to start to line up the right conditions to awaken the potential within us. We need to recognize that there is power in the seed. We need to nurture it so that this seed within us can flourish… not unlike the soil, water, air, and sunlight that enable a seed to grow. As it grows, we start to see that our purpose will begin to “show and grow”, becoming an unstoppable force toward its goal.

Adapted From Mastery:

When our purpose seed planted deep within us starts to grow, it has a voice which calls us to that authentic being is what we call “vocation.” But the majority of us will devote all of our time trying to silence that voice and refuse to hear it.  This is because it is unique to us, and since it is not the “norm”, we stand out. Not to stand out, we would have to distract ourselves in order not to hear it by substituting our genuine selves and authentic voice from our purpose for the a false, “this is what everyone is doing” voice that calls us to conform to social norms.

All of us are born unique. This uniqueness is marked genetically in our DNA. We are a one-time phenomenon in the universe-our exact genetic makeup has never occurred before nor will it ever be repeated.

Planning Peace in your days

Our plans are how we design them to be.

Design your day before you start it.

Design your week before you start your day.

Design your month before you start the week.

This gets you to start living life by design.


Put yourself in the center of your design.

I have a pond with a fountain in it. The water is constantly and consistently disturbed. Ripples are always flowing from the center of this distraction in the water. About 20 feet away though, the water is calm. Sometimes it’s so still at night it is like a mirror reflecting the night sky. 


It reminds me of how the tides of life can have these rippling and calming moments. Now, by design, where do we place ourselves? It’s according to what we want at the moment. If we want to be busy, or live fast paced, we place ourselves near the fountain. At times we want peace, we put into plans for moments of peace.


Everything according to your design.

When we design our lives, and things go according to our plans, we live in the moment instead of living for the moment. Every moment is an Ichigo Ichie.

5 Questions to Unlock and Unblock

5 Questions to Unlock and Unblock Yourself:

Using the past, present, and future for our self-development, we need to ask ourselves:

  • Where did I come from?
  • Do I view my life and it’s lessons and schooling? (Is life teaching me something to prepare me for something bigger?
  • What am I working on?
  • What am I working with?
  • Where am I going?

Answer honestly and you may see things you can use from your past right now, to build that future you are called to live out! 

Stay in your lane.

Your Mission is to Master Your Message 2.

Stay your lane. To master our message, we cannot be side tracked easily which will take away our message’s effectiveness. Staying on point will help you develop and earn your 10,000 hours towards mastery of your special message.

Do you have your team in place?

Do you have your team in place?


“I am weak, yet I am strong” 2 Cor. 12:9-10


A basket ball team has specific players with a specific jobs. There 2 guards, 2 forwards, and a center.  Who is in your starting lineup?


Even though you may be the center for your team, let it be the God within you who make the plays!

Do you admire any problem solvers?

Who are your most admired people through history? What made them so different?


I can bet that the thing that separated them from everyone else around them is that they thought different.


Now, to you. What makes you different? Did you know that the problems you solve are there for you to solve them? (Maybe with a little help too)


Your problems may have been hand picked for your to sit down and solve, quietly, strategically, prayerfully, mentally scanning all possibilities for the best outcomes to share with the rest of the world! There is no one else like you. You got this.

How Do I Secure A Good Customer Relationship?

How do you define success? It could be from just making it into heaven, becoming a millionaire, or just having a “happy wife, happy life”.

No matter how you define it, it is achieved in only one way. Satisfy the customer.


There are five rules to secure a successful relationship between you and your customer.

  1. Know who your customer is.
  2. Your rewards will be in exact proportion to your service.
  3. The more effort you put into satisfying the customer, the more rewards you will receive.
  4. Treat others as you want to be treated.
  5. Find a way to improve everyday.

Purpos3ful Pathway Intro

Purpos3ful Points

Purpos3ful Pathway Intro:

Uniqueness / Wabi Sabi:

Psalm 139:13-16

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

You are a masterpiece.

  • You carry a piece of the master. He blew breathe into our lungs and they have will not stop until we die. Not only the breath, also the ability to think and imagine, and then execute.
  • Masterfully Crafted. As before, we are crafted, formed, and verified before time began.
  • Masterfully Branded. You are branded with God’s character, nature, and intent.
    • Character: Holy, Set Apart -We have our own individual identity
    • Nature: He cannot lie – Most of us have a degree of integrity
    • Intention: Goodwill – We want to good for those we love, and even others to a certain degree.

We are unique: A concept of Wabi Sabi is this: accept yourself for who you are. There is perfection in the imperfections, God knew what He was doing when he made you, so you might as well be yourself, because everyone else is already taken.

Wabi Sabi is a mindset shift that looks at the imperfections of things and finds the beauty in it. There is greatness in you being the only one. You can be the only you that can reach the people only you can. God said that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that is no mistake. Your mistakes and quirkiness are your character, and the sum of experience has created you to be were you are for such a time as this. You are here to turn hurts in to healing, applying your experiences as a balm to others so they won’t have to suffer through the same things.

Present / Ichigo Ichie:

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV

From wikipedia, “chi-go ichi-e (Japanese, pronounced [it͡ɕi.ɡo it͡ɕi.e], lit. “one time, one meeting”) is a Japanese four-character idiom (yojijukugo) that describes a cultural concept of treasuring the unrepeatable nature of a moment. The term has been translated as “for this time only”, and “once in a lifetime”. The term reminds people to cherish any gathering that they may take part in, citing the fact that any moment in life cannot be repeated; even when the same group of people get together in the same place again, a particular gathering will never be replicated, and thus each moment is always a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” Trying to translate it, you will get that ichigo” means “one life or time” and “ichie” means “a one-time encounter or meeting.”

Meaningful Worth Living / Igikai-kan:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

Proverbs 29:18

Finding the reason for being, and allowing that to be the source for a long, fulfilled life.

Everyone and everything has purpose. We are all at our peak existence when we our serving and doing what we are designed to do.

  • A chair was designed to be sat on. When it constantly used as a ladder, the pressure on the legs make it weak and wobbly, eventually breaking. if you have a pulse, then you have a purpose.
  • The meaning of life is to live a meaningful life.

These will start you on your vision. The vision is the end goal. It is the fuel to keep us going to get to the vision. The path is blurry and dark, rocky and dangerous, but also the fulfilling and the most rewarding. He does not show us the whole path because we would not be able to fathom the greatness and give up immediately.

So we MUST have a connection to God and a connection to others.