Balance Is Power

Seek balance. Too much of most things can hurt you. Water is good for you, not enough you dehydrate and die, too much, you drown and die, but with the the right amount you flourish.   Real inner strength and power comes from the harmony of God, mind, body, and spirit working together to becomeContinue reading “Balance Is Power”

Connect to Unlock, Connect to Unblock! As I’m getting ready to leave for the day, I keep being reminded of this: I have everything I need. I’m taken care of. Also, I pretty much have access to everything I want. Like a game, it needs to be unlocked. God unlocks. I have to #UnBlockYourself (myself) to get to it. So today’s episodeContinue reading “Connect to Unlock, Connect to Unblock!”

Roadmap to#UnblockYourself 2023 Roadmap to unblock yourself Over the past 5 years we’ve pretty much developed a pattern to really getting close to the inner you. This will basically be the next 48 Episodes for the rest of 2023! Unblocking yourself: Getting out of our own way Mind Body Spirit Finances Social Interactions Summary: a closed fistContinue reading “Roadmap to#UnblockYourself 2023”