Enjoying the little things

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-6rrip-111a12b There are many facets to discovering and understanding your own personal ikigai. We have to take time to examine our lives and notice the little things. More than likely, you function in your ikigai everyday, but since there’s is no emphasis on it, it doesn’t seem strong enough to fulfill your mission, purpose, andContinue reading “Enjoying the little things”

Value Placement

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-s3gt3-1118e46 Finding our ikigai in our lives will stem from the things that are important to us. Everyone is different, so no one’s ikigai will be exactly the same. Some will serve the community using their talent because that is all they will focus on. Some will try to change the world by using everyContinue reading “Value Placement”

Source and Resource

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-53udi-11167b4 Our ikigai trickles little by little or like a flood into our work and lifestyle when we “go with the flow”. The flow is that where space and time seem to no longer bind you as you are doing the very thing you were called to do at that very moment. You are noContinue reading “Source and Resource”

Mind is willing but the flesh is weak

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-s96by-1115a61 A strong mindset can determine what you are able to accomplish, but the intensity of the struggle between the mind and body will dictate how fast you’ll get there, depending which one is in control.  If you are led by the body, you will see that the body: Will give up without much ofContinue reading “Mind is willing but the flesh is weak”

You head in the direction you are looking

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7f39u-11138a6 I was driving my golf cart this weekend looking at the sights and noticed that the cart would go in the direction I was looking. So when I wasn’t looking at the road, i kept going off of it. I wanted to talk about that today.  “We walk by faith and not by sight”Continue reading “You head in the direction you are looking”

Kaizen and dealing with people

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-hb486-1102e78 When dealing with others today, consider the emotional bank account. Even if we do not know the person, (which makes it easier because we are not starting with a negative balance) we can make the first step by making deposits right off the bat! Here a few things to consider if things are startingContinue reading “Kaizen and dealing with people”

Revisit your vision

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-5bgq8-110190e Last night I was encouraged to revisit my vision, to keep it before me so I can chase after it. It’s hard to chase after something that was once in front of you, but now in a notebook on a shelf fading away due to time… It all started with at church where PastorContinue reading “Revisit your vision”

Eliminating Defects

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-myhwx-10fdd6d Our last of the Seven Mudas is eliminating wasted time and resources due to defects.  From a business standpoint, this is when You have products that require rework because they are not functioning the way they were designed to. Every step in production after the finished product will have to be delayed because theContinue reading “Eliminating Defects”

Wasteful Inventory

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-x3nhn-10fb5bb Today’s focus will be on eliminating wasteful inventory. In business, this is where what you have produced, sits on the shelf. If it has a shelf life, it must be sold or it will be no good. Even if it doesn’t, it must be stored at a cost, and kept safe and protected. ThisContinue reading “Wasteful Inventory”

Wasteful Excess Processing

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-zn9de-10f9e07 Today we look at Excess Processing:  Where in business, this focuses on products that must be repaired to satisfy customers needs after the production of the product has been completed. In simpler terms, having to go back and get stuff right when it should have been right the first time. Somewhere in the productionContinue reading “Wasteful Excess Processing”

Eliminating Wasteful Producing

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-bm4fh-10f855e In business, this waste is due to Overproduction: When there are more parts in the production line than customers are purchasing. Since the balance is off, where there is more time being wasted in the production of goods that will not be sold, time, money, and resources are not being utilized in different areasContinue reading “Eliminating Wasteful Producing”