Fureai Kippu and Your Emotional Bank Accounts

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-rx5rg-10c470c In reading this morning, I came across this concept introduced in certain communities in Japan in the late 90s.  Fureai – translates to “close mutuality”, and it is like the bond between mentor and mentee, nurses and their patients, or like teachers and their students. A friendship, but more a respect/serving type of bond.Continue reading “Fureai Kippu and Your Emotional Bank Accounts”

Look over your blessings

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-r2phn-10c2aca Look over your blessings because it is really easy to overlook them and forget how far you’ve come. Because we are always looking forward (greedily or being hopeful) it gets hard to sit down and reflect on what got you into the present situation. Not only that, but taking time to appreciate what youContinue reading “Look over your blessings”

Wisdom calls out to you!

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-x3wuj-10c13d1 Is there something you wish to do, but don’t know about how to do it? More than likely, someone has left the knowledge of how they’ve done it for you. In book form or as a YouTube video, someone somewhere made it just for you. The funny thing about wisdom, and understanding is thatContinue reading “Wisdom calls out to you!”

Good Luck vs Ganbare

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-4yub8-10b9be0 To wish some one good luck before they set off to do something is a good way to show your support, encourage them, and extend a feeling you have for them to reach their success.  Ganbare / Ganbatte / Ganbarimasu Sometimes you may hear me say, “Ganbatte yo!”, which is kind of like goodContinue reading “Good Luck vs Ganbare”

Your Purpose not Limited

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-bxdz6-10b390b Most of my life I believed that we were called for a specific purpose. God placed us here to accomplish that one thing, and it takes most of our lives trying to figure out what that one thing is. But I no longer think like that.  Who we are is made of many likesContinue reading “Your Purpose not Limited”

Kaizen Conversations

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-vc7q2-10b2466 “We must let go of the good to grab hold of the better. To live a better life, it’s better to have less of what doesn’t matter and more of what does.” – from the Bible app’s “the better reading plan” As I was sitting in my thinking chair, having better conversations to enhanceContinue reading “Kaizen Conversations”

The Reason You Are So Powerful

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-x68uq-10b0a67 Most people sit on their power, making them have potential power to do great things, but they are powerful nonetheless. The reason you are so powerful is so that you can create, build, and work towards your vision, making it become reality.  This is one of the main reasons behind your ikigai. You areContinue reading “The Reason You Are So Powerful”

Building a better day

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-cqiqz-10af20d I hope you’ve  been able to write things down! As I sat in my thinking chair this morning, “First things first!” Kept ringing in my head. Ok. So I did my devotional and the past few days it has been dropping little nuggets about hearing and seeing God in everything. The key to itContinue reading “Building a better day”

Write It All Down!

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-7m6g6-10ae2cb On Sundays @ seven, I do my Sunday Soak. This is like being in my thinking chair, but waaaaaay more relaxing. I get the water as hot as I can take, and stay in until I get out, no matter how long that takes.  Anyway, this is my time to really get serious andContinue reading “Write It All Down!”

Meaningful Mindful Meals

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-wey3a-10abb27 Today’s focus is on eating, but I didn’t want to talk about what you are eating, but who you are eating with.  Sitting down together over food or even just a simple drink is the perfect set up for an ichigo ichie. Sitting across from someone gives you the chance to hear their heart,Continue reading “Meaningful Mindful Meals”

Calgon Activities

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-csax3-10a8f5f I know my kids won’t understand the title, but every day for me I need a getaway.  Stressful things are all around us, but I wanted to tell you my definition of stress, and why it does so much damage to the inside of us, mentally and physically.  Stress is where our mind, will,Continue reading “Calgon Activities”

Build a Circle of Encouragement

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-sfeek-10a76be Jim Rohn said that “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of the time with”. It’s also been said “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”.  It’s quite interesting how we seem to just gravitate and attract to people who we want to be around. But we haveContinue reading “Build a Circle of Encouragement”